Cititorii mei


sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

Sorcova vesela

Sorcova, vesela,
Asta e urarea mea:
Să trăiţi, să înfloriţi,
Visele să vă-mplini
În acest an ce-a sosit
Cu sănătate stropit
Să vă fie numai bine,

Cald ca miezul sfânt de pâine,

Vesel că o sărbătoare,

Plin doar de raze de Soare,

Copilaşii sănătoşi,

Iar voi doar la pungă groşi!

Dragii mei contemporani

La anu' şi LA MULŢI ANI!!!

2 comentarii:

  1. I would like to make a clarification: I do not mind criticism, language bothers me. On this we can not suffer!
    Can I be critical of anything. You're right. One can say that criticism is an indicator of what faci.Si The more vehement, the more it means you are on track. And I do not like spam! Delete it immediately, although we have had situations where I had to delete the same message 5-6 times.

  2. We live in a free world, everybody does what she wants, do some spam ... Other critics ... it's all we can pass between them.
    a good day!


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